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Von Huber Hungarian Vizslas is a highly reputable breeder of Hungarian Vizslas located in the Eden Valley of Cumbria, UK. Owned by David Huber, Von Huber specializes in breeding healthy, happy Hungarian Vizslas with excellent temperaments. In this breeder profile, learn all about Von Huber dogs and why they should be on your short list …

Read More about Von Huber Vizslas: A Top UK Breeder of This Loyal Sporting Vizsla Dog

The Hungarian Vizsla is a medium-sized hunting dog breed that is growing in popularity as a family companion. With their affectionate nature, energetic temperament, and loyalty, Vizslas make wonderful pets for active households. This breed article provides an overview of the Hungarian Vizsla dog, including their history, temperament, grooming needs, exercise requirements, and health issues. …

Read More about Are Hungarian Vizslas Good Family Dogs: Hungarian Vizsla Breed Information

Vizslas can become attached to their people and need them close at all times, however, a trainer who uses positive reinforcement techniques can teach them how to remain calm around other people and dogs. Since fear frequently drives dog aggression rather than physical aggression, punishing aggressive dogs frequently has the opposite effect and makes matters …

Read More about Are Vizslas Aggressive With Other Dog Breeds? What is a Vizsla Temperament & Aggression?

When looking for a guard dog breed, the Vizsla may not be the first dog that comes to mind. However, Vizslas have some qualities that can make them good guard dogs for the right families. This article will explore whether Vizslas have the temperament and traits to be good guardians and protectors. Let’s see that …

Read More about Are Vizslas Good Guard Dogs? See If Vizslas Make Good Guard Dogs

With their sleek golden rust coat, affectionate personality, and athleticism, Vizslas are growing in popularity as family companions. But is this high-energy Hungarian sporting breed the right dog for your household? This article will explore the many pros and cons of owning a Vizsla. An Overview of the Hungarian Vizsla Breed The Vizsla is a …

Read More about Why Vizslas Are the Best Dogs: Hungarian Vizsla Pros and Cons

The Vizsla is a Hungarian hunting dog known for its energy, athleticism, and affectionate nature. This medium-sized breed has grown in popularity as a family companion thanks to their intelligence, easy training, and desire to be close to their owners. However, some potential Vizsla owners wonder if the breed tends to bark excessively. In this …

Read More about Do Vizslas Bark a Lot? Stop your Vizsla from Barking

Yes, Vizslas do fart, as do all dogs. Vizslas are a popular breed of dog known for their energy, loyalty, and affectionate nature. Like all dogs, Vizslas do pass gas and fart from time to time. While this may be an unpleasant topic, it’s a normal bodily function that most dog owners have to deal …

Read More about Do Vizslas Fart? Vizsla Dog Breed Farting

Vizslas are intelligent outdoor dogs who require plenty of daily activity. They will enjoy daily walks as part of their exercise regimen. Immune-mediated diseases such as rashes and hypothyroidism may also plague them, so look for breeders that provide health clearances. Blue Vizslas form strong relationships with their families. Their close bond reflects their heritage …

Read More about Everything You Need To Know About Blue Vizsla Breed & Vizsla Puppies

The Vizsla dog is known for being an energetic and affectionate dog that excels both on land and in water. But what really makes this breed unique is its distinguishing feature – Vizslas have webbed feet! Keep reading to learn all about this versatile hunting dog and its amazing webbed paws. Vizslas Are An Ancient …

Read More about Do Vizslas Have Webbed Feet: Vizsla Breed Guide

Many Vizsla owners assume these breeds of dogs shed minimally, which isn’t true and it’s essential to understand this breed’s normal shedding cycle. Vizslas feature short coats without an undercoat, similar to other double-coated dogs. Although they do shed throughout the year, but more so during molting season. Routine brushing helps facilitate this process more rapidly. How …

Read More about How Much Do Vizslas Shed – Quick Guide To Vizsla Shedding