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If you have a dog you have most likely asked yourself this question, Can or why is my dog “fill in the question”…. You go on a popular search engine like Google and ask the question, but are you getting the correct information? Here at Dogs365 we share our story on what has worked for us and share that information back with you.

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Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Chihuahuas or lower lifespan, followed by lower respiratory tract disorders and traumatic injuries. While there is no clear sex difference in these diseases, there is some evidence that male dogs have higher incidences than females. Veterinarians should take heart health into account during routine examinations and …

Read More about The Leading Cause Of Death In Chihuahuas – Chihuahua Lifespan

Dog Scooting or anal gland expression is caused by a blocked anal gland and is an uncomfortable condition for your dog. To know what to do to relieve the problem, the first step is to determine if your dog is suffering from an obstruction. Most Common Reason For Scooting In Dogs? A common cause of …

Read More about Easy Remedies For Dog Scooting Or Anal Gland Expression

If your dog breathing fast when sleeping, he may be suffering from respiratory distress. Luckily, you can help your dog by knowing what to look for and what you can do to help him breathe easier. Keep reading to learn more about the signs and symptoms of respiratory problems in dogs and some home remedies for …

Read More about Why Is My Dog Breathing Fast When Sleeping?

Dogs will eat just about anything, which can sometimes lead to them eating dirt. While it may seem like a strange habit, there are a few reasons why your dog might be eating dirt. In this article, we will discuss different reasons for your question; why is my dog eating dirt. You will also get some …

Read More about Why Is My Dog Eating Dirt All Of Sudden?

One of the most common questions pet owners ask is, “Why is my dog afraid of wind?” Dogs can be afraid of things, from thunderstorms to vacuum cleaners. But one of the most common fears is wind. So why do dogs fear wind? And what can you do to help your dog cope with this fear? Please …

Read More about Storm Phobia In Dogs – How To Reduce Dog’s Wind Fear

Have you ever been out for a walk with your dog and felt them tense up and bark at the wind? You’re not alone. Many dogs are afraid of the wind for numerous reasons. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common reasons to your question – why is my dog afraid of the wind and …

Read More about Why Is My Dog Afraid Of The Wind? Wind Phobia in Dogs