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Why Does My Dog Follow Me To The Toilet?

Do you ever wonder why does my dog follow me to the toilet? It can be pretty strange, but there is a reason behind it. Dogs are naturally drawn to toilets because of the scent of urine. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind this behavior and offer some tips on how to stop it.

Is It Weird That My Dog Follows Me Everywhere?

my dog follow me to the toilet

No, it’s not weird at all! It’s quite common for dogs to follow their owners around. There are a few reasons to your question why does my dog follow me to the toilet. Whatever the reason for your dog’s shadowing behavior, it’s nothing to worry about. It’s quite sweet! Just be prepared for a little extra furry company wherever you go.

Is It Weird For My Dog To Follow Me To The Toilet?

It’s not unusual for dogs to follow their owners around, and that includes following to the bathroom. While it may seem odd at first, there are a few reasons to your question why does my dog follow me to the toilet

15 Reasons Why Does My Dog Follow Me To The Toilet

why does my dog follow me to the toilet

1. They’re curious about our behavior.

Dogs are incredibly curious creatures, and they often want to know what we are up to. If we’re spending a lot of time in the bathroom, they may start to wonder what we’re doing in there.

2. They want to be close to us.

Dogs are very social animals, and they usually want to be close to their human companions. If we’re spending time in the bathroom, they may just want to be near us.

3. They can smell something interesting.

Our bathrooms often have strong smells that can be interesting to dogs. They may be curious about the source of the smells, and that can lead them to follow us into the bathroom.

4. They hear strange noises coming from the bathroom.

The sounds of flushing toilets and running water can be strange and intriguing to dogs. They may want to investigate the source of the noise by following us into the bathroom.

5. They’re looking for food.

Many dogs see the bathroom as a potential source of food. They know that we often have snacks in there, and they may be hoping to score a treat.

6. They’re bored and looking for something to do.

If your dog is bored and doesn’t have anything else to do, following you into the bathroom can be a way to pass the time.

7. They want to play.

Some dogs see the bathroom as a great place to play. They may think that the toilet is a giant water bowl or that the trashcan is a toy.

8. They’re scared of being alone.

Some dogs get anxious when they’re left alone, and following us into the bathroom can be their way of coping with that anxiety.

9. They’re trying to protect us.

Dogs are often very protective of their human companions, and they may follow us into the bathroom thinking of protecting us.

10. They think we need help.

Many dogs are very intuitive, and they may sense that we need help when we’re in the bathroom. They may follow us there as a way to offer assistance.

11. They’re showing affection.

Some dogs follow us into the bathroom to show their affection for us. They may just want to be close to us and ensure our safety.

12. They have separation anxiety.

Dogs with separation anxiety often struggle when their human companions leave them alone, even for a short time. They may follow us into the bathroom so to stay close to us.

13. They think we’re going somewhere interesting.

If we often take our dogs for a walk after we use the bathroom, they may start to think that the bathroom is the first step of an exciting journey.

14. They’re curious about water.

Many dogs love playing in the water, and they may be drawn to the bathroom because it’s a place where they can find water.

14 Things I Can Do To Stop My Dog Follow Me To The Toilet

Is It Weird That My Dog Follows Me Everywhere

There are several reasons your dog may follow you to the toilet. They may be seeking attention, looking for food, or simply trying to stay close to their favorite person. Regardless of the reason, it can be annoying – especially if you’re trying to enjoy a moment of privacy! Here are 14 things I can do to stop your my dog follow me to the toilet:

1. By ignoring them.

I know this may look like an apparent antidote, but it’s always considerably productive. If your dog is following you for attention, they will quickly learn that they won’t get any from you by shadowing your every move. Simply ignore their presence and carry on with your business.

2. Close the door.

If you can, close the door to whatever room you’re going into – including the bathroom. This will block their access and help them understand that they’re not invited.

3. Give them a try.

One way to keep your dog occupied while you’re busy is to give them a toy or bone to chew on. This will keep their attention focused on something else besides you. 

4. Put them in another room.

If possible, put your dog in another room – preferably with a door that can be closed – before you go into the bathroom or any other private area. This will create a physical barrier between you and them.

5. Go for a walk first.

Take your dog for a walk before you go into the bathroom or any other private area. This will give them some much-needed exercise and hopefully tire them out, so they’re not as interested in following you around.

6. Train them with positive reinforcement.

Every time they stay away from you when you’re in a private space, give them a treat or verbal praise. Over time, they’ll learn that it’s beneficial to give you your space. 

7. Be consistent.

It’s important to be consistent with whatever method you’re using to train your dog not to follow you everywhere. If you only do it sometimes, they won’t understand what they’re supposed to be doing and will likely continue following you around.

8. Keep your cool.

It can be frustrating when your dog won’t stop following you, but it’s important to remain calm. Yelling or getting angry will only make the situation worse and could cause your dog to become scared or stressed.

9. Don’t punish them.

Punishing your dog – whether it’s with physical violence or verbal abuse – is never an effective way to train them. Not only will it not work, but it could also damage your relationship with your dog and make them scared of you.

10. Be patient.

Training your dog not to follow you everywhere takes time and patience. Don’t expect results overnight – it may take weeks or even months for them to finally understand how to behave.

11. Seek professional help.

If you’re struggling to train your dog not to follow you around, it may be helpful to seek professional help from a certified animal behaviorist or trainer. They can assess the situation and give you specific advice on how to best deal with it.

12.  Be prepared for setbacks.

Even if you’re making progress with your training, there may be times when your dog starts following you again. This is normal – just remain patient and consistent, and eventually, they’ll start listening to you once more.

13. Teach them to obey commands.

Train your dog to stay in another room when you go to the bathroom. Teach your dog a “go lie down” or “stay” command and have them obey that command before you go to the toilet.

14. Block the door.

Keep a leash on your dog when you are in the bathroom so you can prevent them from following you, or create a barrier around the toilet with furniture or baby gates so your dog cannot access it.

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There are a few reasons why my dog follow me to the toilet. They may be curious about what you’re doing; they may want to play with you or try to show their affection for you. If your dog is following you to the toilet and it’s becoming a nuisance, try training them to stay out of the bathroom or rewarding them for staying in another room while you use the facilities.