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Why Is My Dog Breathing Fast When Sleeping?

If your dog breathing fast when sleeping, he may be suffering from respiratory distress. Luckily, you can help your dog by knowing what to look for and what you can do to help him breathe easier. Keep reading to learn more about the signs and symptoms of respiratory problems in dogs and some home remedies for this common problem.

Is It Normal For Dog To Breath Fast While Sleeping?

Dog Breathing Fast When Sleeping

If you notice your dog breathing fast while sleeping, it is likely a sign of systemic issues. High respiratory rates in dogs are also often accompanied by lethargy during the day, excessive panting at odd times, pale gums, and poor appetite. However, there are many possible causes of this condition, and you should consult your vet to get the diagnosis right.

Some breathing problems can make your dog breathe quickly, including respiratory infections, heart disease, or anemia. Some of these conditions are caused by congestion and can lead to contractions in airway passages. In these cases, your dog may breathe quickly to keep blood-oxygen levels high. 

Some dogs breathing is fast when sleeping, especially in brachycephalic breeds. Their airways are small, so they pant and snore. These dogs can suffer from a disorder called Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome. If you notice your dog breathing fast while sleeping, you should consult your veterinarian. A dog with allergies may also breathe rapidly during certain seasons. If you notice a dog breathing fast when sleeping than normal, you can try using a humidifier or nasal sprays approved by a vet.

The Signs Of Respiratory Distress In A Dog

Dog Breathing Problems Home Remedies

Respiratory distress in dogs is a threatening medical condition that needs immediate attention. The common signs include labored breathing, weakness, and nasal or eye discharge. These symptoms don’t always indicate imminent death, but they should prompt your veterinarian to order testing. These tests will tell your veterinarian which medications are appropriate for your dog’s condition and can also help determine the best course of action.

  1. Wheezing is a symptom of respiratory distress and is caused by something blocking the dog’s airway. A dog will make a striding noise, much like a human during an asthma attack, and this is a clear sign that the dog is having a serious breathing problem. This sound is more noticeable during exhalation and should be addressed as soon as possible. 
  2. In addition to wheezing, labored breathing occurs when the dog has to make efforts while breathing. A dog may be suffering from congestive heart failure or another general health problem, which can cause the same symptoms.
  3. When respiratory distress is severe, the animal will begin to adopt a relief posture. This position is ideal for determining where the pathology is located. The rib cage-abdomen junction is an ideal location to check for chest-abdomen movement.
  4. Other symptoms to watch out for include; open mouth breathing, and abnormally slow breathing.
  5. In addition to these, your dog may be restless or act distressed.

If these symptoms occur frequently, it’s best to bring him to the vet immediately. If left untreated there can be severe complications, including pneumonia and heart failure.

What Can I Give My Dog To Help Him Breathe Better?

My Dog Breathing Fast When Sleeping

If your dog breathing fast when sleeping, you might consider giving him some natural remedies. Your dog’s respiratory system is similar to yours: made of the lungs, trachea, nose, and mouth. Some common causes of labored breathing are seasonal allergies and heart disease. While these conditions are not life-threatening, they need immediate attention.

A cold-moisture humidifier can help. Aromatherapy such as lavender or eucalyptus can make your dog’s breathing more comfortable. Oxygen therapy is also an effective natural remedy for dogs suffering from asthma. A veterinarian can prescribe a small oxygen cylinder that is placed in your dog’s chest.

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Dog Breathing Problems Home Remedies

Your dog breathing fast when sleeping can be serious and life-threatening, so it is essential to treat them as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are several home remedies for dog breathing problems that can be used to manage these symptoms and help your dog live a comfortable life. These natural cures are safe and effective, and your dog will be much more comfortable.

The first step is to determine the cause of your dog breathing fast when sleeping problems. If you suspect that your dog may be allergic to a specific trigger, you can administer an allergy medication, such as Benadryl. Other solutions include administering sterile nasal drops and using an oxygen mask. Honey is another natural remedy for dog breathing problems and can be added to a dog’s food to help control lung spasms.

A humidifier can also help your dog breathe. A humidifier adds moisture to the air and helps with bronchitis and coughing. Dogs that live in hot climates can be more prone to breathing problems. For these conditions, keep your dog in a cool room with air conditioning or open windows. Providing shade and plenty of water can also help. You should also limit your dog’s activity level and consult your veterinarian if your dog still breathing fast when sleeping.